Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Share thy Blessings

I spent most of my weekends doing chores. Since I don't have my parents here that I can rely on, I basically do all the household chores (with the help of my partner, of course). It's not that I'm complaining though. I have been very vocal with my desire to be independent. And I'm proud to say that I've been doing that for the last 3 years now.

So while I was cleaning my cabinet, I noticed that there are several clothes that I no longer use. Some of them were even used once or twice. And then it struck me...Why not donate them? I realized that instead of them being stuck inside the cabinet occupying so much space, it would be better if someone can use them. My partner then remembered that there's a donation box in our church for Caritas Manila.

So we hurriedly packed all the clothes that I no longer wear. And in no time, we went to the church and donated them to Caritas. It was a worthwhile experience. We were blessed so much and we were grateful to share some of them to the needy. It was definitely rewarding.


Mary a.k.a. South


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